ZOWIE U系列无线电竞鼠标获颁2024年度日本G-Mark设计大奖

ZOWIE U系列无线电竞鼠标获颁2024年度日本G-Mark设计大奖

ZOWIE U系列无线电竞鼠标


在日前公开的2024年度日本G-Mark设计大奖评选中,明基旗下 ZOWIE品牌U系列无线电竞鼠标,荣获 Good Design Award的表彰。Good Design Award是于1957年创设的日本唯一综合类设计评价推荐制度。它是一项“通过设计以丰富产业生产以及生活文化”的运动,每年都吸引大量来自全球的企业和设计师参加。迄今为止,获奖总数已逾50000件,而作为获奖的证明以及荣誉象征的“G标志”,也为广大消费者认可并推崇。

ZOWIE U系列无线电竞鼠标获颁2024年度日本G-Mark设计大奖
ZOWIE U系列无线电竞鼠标获颁2024年度日本G-Mark设计大奖
ZOWIE U系列无线电竞鼠标获颁2024年度日本G-Mark设计大奖
ZOWIE U系列无线电竞鼠标获颁2024年度日本G-Mark设计大奖

分類タグ:ICT equipment
Companies:BenQ Corporation
Business Owner:BenQ Corporation
Award No.:24G070503
Outline:Outline of Good Design Award winners 2024

Outline 概要

The Zowie U series wireless mouse is designed for fast-paced games such as Fortnite and Apex Legends. The slightly asymmetric design on the sides improves grip and lowers fatigue. The design of the front bevel means players can quickly and easily produce bursts of speed with the mouse. The back of the mouse has good support to benefit player agility and help them achieve victory.

Zowie U系列无线鼠标专为CS、堡垒之夜、Apex Legends等快节奏游戏而设计。鼠标两侧的轻微不对称设计提升了握持感并减少了疲劳。鼠标前部的斜面设计意味着玩家可以迅速且轻松地通过鼠标实现速度爆发。鼠标背部提供良好的支撑,有助于提升玩家的敏捷性,并助力他们取得胜利。

* 文本翻译由百度AI文心大模型3.5等生成(下同)

Points of design 设计要点

1、The design helps gamers achieve greater endurance and agility with their mouse during matches.
2、The asymmetrical design on the sides and strong support on the back improve agility and precision.
3、The concave sides and back support have been scientifically proven to improve endurance and agility.

Director:BenQ Lifestyle Design Center
Designer:BenQ Lifestyle Design Center
More information:https://zowie.benq.com/en-ap/mouse/u2.html
To be on sale:2024/09


Background 背景

We developed an in-depth understanding of the competition and training for fast-paced competitive games such as Fortnite and Apex Legends through close study, and we discovered how gamers develop fatigue after using a mouse for long periods and their requirements toward grips and agility. Repeated tests in ergonomics laboratories helped us design a mouse that can be gripped comfortably by most gamers, thus providing them with greater endurance and agility in competitions and giving them the greatest chances of victory.

我们通过深入研究,对《堡垒之夜》和《Apex Legends》等快节奏竞技类游戏中的竞技与训练有了深入了解,并发现了玩家长时间使用鼠标后如何产生疲劳感以及他们对握感和敏捷度的需求。在人体工程学实验室进行的反复测试帮助我们设计出了一款大多数玩家都能舒适握持的鼠标,从而在比赛中为他们提供了更高的耐力和敏捷度,并使他们获得了最大的胜利机会。

History and Achievements 历史与成就

1.Reduce fatigue: The slightly asymmetrical design on the sides provides better grip and reduces hand fatigue after long periods of use. 2.Faster movement speed: The front bevel design makes the mouse easier to lift and helps players achieve bursts of speed and improved agility. 3.Faster click speed: The right rear side of the mouse is elevated, there is more space at the base of the palm, and the angle of the thumb is reduced. This allows the index finger to click more quickly. 4.Convenient charging: The enhanced receiver can be used as a charging station, which means users can conveniently charge the mouse at any time.



■ Dimension(LWH):123mmX65mmX38mm
■ Weight(g):60g
■ Material:Plastic(ABS.PC)

Jury’s Evaluation 评审团评价

Evaluation Comments:This is a new model from the “ZOWIE EC Series” of gaming mouse which was selected for the GOOD DESIGN AWARD in 2022. The mouse was created by minimizing the disadvantages of wireless, such as response speed and reliability, while maximizing its advantages, including the way in which it allows freedom of movement. This year’s model has made even further progress in terms of both capability and usability. In terms of appearance, too, the bulge for the communication unit of the 2022 model has disappeared in the new model, and the design has been further refined, so we selected it as a good design once more.

评价意见:这是来自“ZOWIE EC系列”的一款新型游戏鼠标,该系列鼠标于2022年荣获优良设计奖(GOOD DESIGN AWARD)。这款鼠标在设计时力求最大限度地减少无线鼠标的劣势(如响应速度和可靠性问题),同时最大限度地发挥其优势(如行动自由度高)。今年的型号在功能和易用性方面又取得了进一步的进步。在外观方面,新款鼠标也进行了改进,2022年款中用于通信单元的凸起部分在新款中已不复存在,设计更加精致,因此我们再次将其评选为优良设计。

BenQ ScreenBar Pro 智能屏幕挂灯获颁2023年度日本G-Mark设计大奖


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