BenQ ScreenBar Pro 智能屏幕挂灯获颁2023年度日本G-Mark设计大奖

BenQ ScreenBar Pro 智能屏幕挂灯获颁2023年度日本G-Mark设计大奖

ScreenBar Pro 智能屏幕挂灯


在日前公开的2023年度日本G-Mark设计大奖评选中,明基BenQ ScreenBar Pro 智能屏幕挂灯荣获 Good Design Award的表彰。Good Design Award是于1957年创设的日本唯一综合类设计评价推荐制度。它是一项“通过设计以丰富产业生产以及生活文化”的运动,每年都吸引大量来自全球的企业和设计师参加。迄今为止,获奖总数已逾50000件,而作为获奖的证明以及荣誉象征的“G标志”,也为广大消费者认可并推崇。

BenQ ScreenBar Pro 智能屏幕挂灯获颁2023年度日本G-Mark设计大奖
BenQ ScreenBar Pro 智能屏幕挂灯获颁2023年度日本G-Mark设计大奖
BenQ ScreenBar Pro 智能屏幕挂灯获颁2023年度日本G-Mark设计大奖
BenQ ScreenBar Pro 智能屏幕挂灯获颁2023年度日本G-Mark设计大奖

Companies:BenQ Corporation / MNML LLC.
Business Owner:BenQ Corporation
Award No.:23G090658
Outline:Outline of Good Design Award winners 2023


ScreenBar Pro is a monitor light specifically designed for monitor users with the aim of providing them with easy access to sufficient lighting. Attached on the screen with just a click, it can evenly illuminate the entire workspace, while also balancing the contrast glare. Additionally, the asymmetric optical design ensures that there is no screen glare, providing a glare-free viewing experience.

* Text may be generated using the automatic translation service DeepL.

Points of design
1、The optical design ensures a wide and uniform lighting coverage without any glare on the screen.
2、The unique clamp structure design accommodates screen thicknesses ranging from 0.43 to 6.40 cm.
3、The built-in light sensor and human detection sensor provide intelligent functionality.

Producer:BenQ Corporation
Director:BenQ Corporation
Designer:MNML LLC.


Whether in office or at home, people are spending more and more time in front of screens. Prolonged screen use in inadequate lighting conditions can lead to eye strain and fatigue. Therefore, we aim to enhance lighting conditions for screen users. Our focus is on providing comfortable lighting while balancing contrast glare without any screen reflections. Also, we discovered that screen users often have limited workspace. To address this issue, we designed a lamp that can easily be mounted on the screen, freeing the desk space. Furthermore, through observations, we found that sometimes users forget to turn on the light, forget to turn it off when they leave, or are unsure about the optimal brightness level. That’s why we incorporated automatic on/off and intelligent dimming features.

History and Achievements

To provide optimal lighting for screen users, ScreenBar Pro features a patented asymmetric optical design with a high reflectivity reflector, enhancing light efficiency and ensuring a wide and uniform lighting coverage while eliminating screen glare. The unique structural design of the clamp allows users to effortlessly attach it to various screens within seconds, without any complicated assembly process or limitations. It is compatible with curved screens, ultra-thin screens, and even ultra-thick screens. It avoids obstructing the screen and its built-in camera or microphone, and prevents causing frame reflections. Additionally, the lamp is equipped with built-in light and human detection sensors, enabling automatic on/off and auto-dimming function for a more intelligent user experience.


Dimension: 50.0cm X 12.8cm X 6.5 cm – Net Weight: 0.6 kg – Materials: Aluminum Alloy / Zinc Alloy / Plastic (PC+ABS) – Light Source: LED

* The information provided is current at the time of the award and may differ from the information available today.

Jury’s Evaluation

Jury members:寺田尚樹|家成俊勝|田子學|橋田規子|Carl Liu

Evaluation Comments:“ScreenBar Pro” is a monitor light equipped with an advanced interface that reduces computer users’ fatigue. The unique design of the clamp allows this product to fit various types of screen such as curved, thin, or thick surface and also prevent it from interfering a built-in microphone or camera and getting with no screen glare. This is well designed to be minimal and reliable considering user comfort. The simple body may look plain at a glance, however, you can see this is very elaborate work once you touch it.

BenQ ScreenBar Pro 智能屏幕挂灯获颁2023年度日本G-Mark设计大奖


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