明基BenQ Aora 智能吸顶灯|获颁2023 iF Design Award设计大奖

明基BenQ Aora 智能吸顶灯|获颁2023 iF Design Award设计大奖

明基BenQ Aora 智能吸顶灯
获颁2023 iF Design Award设计大奖


创立于1953年的iF设计奖,简称“iF”,是由德国历史最悠久的工业设计机构–汉诺威工业设计论坛(iF Industrie Forum Design)每年定期举办的设计奖项评选活动,以“独立、严谨、可靠”的评奖理念闻名于世,素有“产品设计界的奥斯卡奖”之称,也是当今全球四大国际性设计奖项之一。

在最新揭晓的2023 iF评选结果中,明基BenQ Aora 智能吸顶灯 荣膺殊荣。至此,明基所获德国iF设计大奖累计达155项,近5年(2018-2022)iF获奖数名列全亚洲TOP50之列(TOP 50 of 6204)。

BenQ Aora 智能吸顶灯

Aora is a smart ceiling light designed with families and children in mind. Unlike other ceiling lights that are either too dim or too concentrated at the center, it ensures both optimal brightness (800 lux at the center and 500 lux at the corners of a 17 square-meter room) and a balanced light distribution, using indirect lighting to illuminate the ceiling and corners. Whether children are playing or lying down, they can enjoy a brightly lit room without glare. Also, parents can simply speak to the light when they are busy handling children, and they can also use the app to set custom modes and personalized wake-up or wind-down timers.


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