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明基BenQ EL2870U 4K HDR护眼显示器是主机游戏最佳选择

多年来,我们看到显示技术有了长足发展,也看到游戏显示器在此过程中逐步受到游戏玩家重视。另外,各种平台上产生了越来越多4K HDR内容,进一步提升了游戏体验与享受。自2012年以来,明基BenQ一直致力于开发护眼技术,比如其最新的B.I.+技术可以在增进图像画质的同时,为眼睛提供更舒适的观赏体验。
BenQ EL2870U只是明基2019年推出的众多显示器产品之一。这款28英寸4K HDR游戏显示器可能是BenQ有史以来功能最多的显示器之一。最重要的是,EL2870U 4K HDR游戏显示器配备了环境光传感器,可以检测观看环境中的环境光水平,并且自动调整屏幕亮度和色温以适合您的环境。

EL2870U提供超逼真HDR(高动态范围)视频质量,为游戏玩家带来更清晰的细节和令人难以置信的对比度。相信我们,4K UHD分辨率会让您欲罢不能!例如,在恐怖游戏中,HDR可帮助您更清楚地了解阴影中的主角状况以及环境状况。这也使得游戏体验非常逼真,就像亲眼所见一样。另外,借助B.I.+技术,色彩能够保持原始效果,而图像整体表现也堪称完美。它会自动调整亮度,以避免在某些场景下HDR过度曝光,并增强暗部区域细节,保持其原始的色彩饱和度与平滑的色调。
凭借EL2870U提供的所有功能,我们将EL2870U评选为PC.COM 2019年度最佳游戏显示器绝对有道理。

有关明基BenQ EL2870U的更多信息,请 单击此处。

BenQ EL2870U 4K HDR Eye Care Monitor Best for Console Games
We have seen how display technology has evolved over the years, and how gaming monitors are capturing the hearts of many gamers in the process. More and more 4K HDR content on various platforms have taken gaming enjoyment one step further. BenQ has been dedicated to developing eye care technologies since 2012, aiming to offer great viewing experience for eye comfort while enhancing image quality with the exclusive Brightness Intelligent Plus Technology (B.I.+ Tech).
BenQ’s EL2870U is just one of BenQ’s many display offerings in 2019. The 28-inch 4K HDR gaming monitor is probably one of the most versatile monitors BenQ has ever made. On top of that, the EL2870U 4K HDR gaming monitor is equipped with an ambient light sensor that can detect ambient light level in your viewing environment, and automatically adjust on-screen brightness and color temperature to fit your surroundings. B.I.+ Tech offers the best display quality for viewing comfort, while preventing eye strain and protecting your eyes after you play games for hours.
BenQ EL2870U features hyper-realistic video quality with HDR (high dynamic range). This gives gamers sharper detail and incredible contrast. Trust us, the 4K UHD resolution will make you drop your controller in awe. For example, with horror games, HDR helps you see more clearly what’s going on with the main character from the shadows as well as what’s going on in the environment. It also makes the gameplay experience hyper realistic, like as if you’re seeing it with your own eyes. With B.I.+ technology, colors stay original for picture perfect content. It automatically adjusts brightness to avoid HDR overexposure in some scenes and to enhance details in dark areas, preserving it’s original color saturation and hue with smooth gradation.
For PC and console gamers, the EL2870U does all of this without sacrificing response time. With a 1ms grey-to-grey (GTG) response time, you can enjoy all the games, movies and sports at optimal performance without any motion blur, judder or ghosting. The monitor also provides 4K resolution 3840×2160 crystal clear and details of the image, at the same time it comes with 10-bit color smoothness to enhance the visual enjoyment. Of course, the EL2870U also provides a solid audio experience with its housed integrated speakers (2Wx2) to elevate your in-game experience.
When we think of gaming monitors, we think BenQ and clearly, our readers do too. With all that’s on offer from the EL2870U, it makes perfect sense that the EL2870U was voted PC.COM’s best gaming monitor of 2019.
For more info on the BenQ EL2870U, click HERE.