用苹果最新款Mac Studio(M1 Ultra)玩游戏是什么体验

用苹果最新款Mac Studio(M1 Ultra)玩游戏是什么体验


来源:YouTube | 作者:Created Tech

最新发布的Mac Studio(采用M1 Ultra芯片|20核CPU|最高64核GPU)堪称性能怪兽,而苹果也将其称之为“造梦引擎”。搭配明基莫比乌斯(Mobiuz)EX2710Q(27英寸 2K 165Hz,HDR400)电竞游戏显示器玩游戏是一种什么体验?Testing out the M1 Ultra Mac Studio in games such as Shadow of the Tomb Raider, CS:GO, Overwatch, and GTA V on Parallels. 一起来看看视频 ▼

时间进度条 ▼

00:00 Introduction
00:44 144Hz Gaming Monitor
01:48 Shadow of the Tomb Raider
03:24 CS:GO
04:36 Gaming on Parallels
05:37 Overwatch on Parallels
07:02 GTA V on Parallels
08:17 CPU and RAM usage on Parallels
08:47 Thermals and Fan Noise While Gaming
09:18 Is the M1 Ultra Good At Gaming?

此视频中提到的产品 ▼

Mac Studiohttps://www.apple.com.cn/mac-studio/
BenQ EX2710Q Gaming Monitor: https://item.jd.com/100025543778.html
Parallels (use Windows 11 on Mac): https://www.parallels.com/products/desktop/

▶️ 明基(BenQ)莫比乌斯 MOBIUZ EX2710Q
27英寸|2K|IPS|165Hz|1ms响应|HDR400|95% P3色域|2.1声道环绕音响|B.I.智慧调光|电竞游戏显示屏|符合人体工程学


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