日本|明基GV1移动智能投影仪获颁Travel Work Award 2021特等奖

日本|明基GV1移动智能投影仪获颁Travel Work Award 2021特等奖

2021年5月17日消息,经由与174位旅行工作者、作家、设计师、视频创作者等不同领域专业人士进行问卷调查及投票决定,由Astel公司(日本)主办的TRAVEL WORK AWARD 2021年度大奖评选结果正式揭晓。明基BenQ GV1移动智能投影仪获颁特等奖。

GV1 获 Travel Work Award 特等奖

来源:《TRAVEL WORK AWARD 2021 グランプリが決定

BenQ GV1


BenQ GV1是一款带有Wi-Fi/蓝牙扬声器的移动投影仪,无需繁琐设置,开机即可使用;重量约为708克,轻巧且易于携带,因此您可以随时随地透过大屏幕欣赏自己喜欢的内容。在无线连接环境中,也可以从智能手机镜像投影。您也可以通过浏览Internet观看视频。其电池续航长达3小时,因此您不必担心时间问题。您可以根据自己的想法享受各种事物,例如视频、音乐、游戏等。如果您是一位希望在任何地方都能欣赏大屏幕的旅行工作者,那么它是必看的选项。

👉 Grand Prize

👉 去京东看看 BenQ GV1 移动智能投影仪


TRAVEL WORK AWARDは移れば変わるこの時代に、「働き方」をアップデートする優れた物・事・人に対して贈る賞です。




最先端の「働き方」をインプットし、体現していくことはビジネスパーソンに課せられたひとつの使命であると(ASTERは)考えます。TRAVEL WORK AWARDは自身のワークスタイルを常に最新のものへとアップデートすることで、自分らしい「働き方」を全ての人が選べる世界を目指しています。

TRAVEL WORK AWARD is an award given to excellent things and people who update their “working style” in this era of change.

Work styles are diversifying, and the number of people who work regardless of time or place continues to increase. With the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, meetings and business negotiations using video chat tools rapidly penetrated, and 5G was born at the same time. As the communication speed is updated in the future, online meetings can be held in VR, and the future in which avatars with their own AI will attend the meetings on their behalf is also realistic.

In the mobility market as well, changes are accelerating, autonomous driving has become commonplace, and the time spent traveling by car has changed from driving to working. Disruptors like Elon Musk will appear one after another, and if the travel from Tokyo to New York is significantly shortened to 30 minutes, it will be easier to live in two bases overseas.

The days when only talented people could become freelancers and undertake work are gone, and the hurdles for taking advantage of crowdsourcing and accepting work are much lower than before the 2010s. The free population continues to grow, and more gradation is created in the work style of “freelance,” and it is difficult to categorize all at once with this word alone. It will need to be redefined for each way of working.

ASTER thinks that inputting and embodying the most advanced “working style” is one of the missions assigned to business people. TRAVEL WORK AWARD aims to create a world where everyone can choose their own “working style” by constantly updating their work style to the latest version.

▶️ BenQ GV1 移动智能投影仪,由京东发货,23:10前下单,预计明天送达


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