德国莱茵TÜV授予BenQ RP7503系列大尺寸电子白板「Eyesafe认证」

德国莱茵TÜV授予BenQ RP7503系列大尺寸电子白板「Eyesafe认证」



互动式电子白板是大型触控显示器,也是新式的数字教学工具,在拥抱数字教学时,能让课程有趣,提升学生学习效果。教育业者为孩童选择合适的电子白板,能帮助孩童在专心学习时,减少眼睛疲劳。BenQ为护眼显示器领导品牌之一,长期与德国莱因携手合作,并于近日获得德国莱因Eyesafe低蓝光认证。此款 BenQ RP7503 系列大尺寸电子白板是首款通过该认证的大型互动触控显示器,符合国际市场对蓝光辐射量与色彩性能显示的安全要求。

BenQ RP7503系列不仅符合德国莱因的低蓝光和不闪屏的标准要求,也是第一个荣获德国莱因Eyesafe认证的电子白板。在防蓝光上,RP7503 系列的蓝光辐射量符合眼科和验光领域专家的安全期待。BenQ 致力于提供全面的眼部健康解决方案,以科技赋能为教师和学生提供安全有意义的教育体验。

德国莱因 Eyesafe 认证是一种硬体内建蓝光技术的认证,是显示产业的领先标准之一。此次BenQ RP7503所通过的硬体抗蓝(光)标准,是以德国莱因的低蓝光技术标准为基础,结合美国 Eyesafe® 团队的医疗研究所共同开发而成,目的在为3C产品做好护眼安全把关。经认证的产品品质,能给消费者更安心可靠的防蓝光保护。

Eyesafe 执行长Justin Barrett 表示:「孩童在数字设备前花费的时间越来越多。我们相信未来的潮流是荧幕内建蓝光保护功能,这就是为什么我们很自豪能与 BenQ 合作,致力于改善学习空间,并为教育创造低蓝光环境。」 德国莱因同时是Eyesafe指定合作认证单位。

德国莱因TÜV台湾公司董事总经理王秀云指出,目前业界低蓝光认证主流已从软件抗蓝转变为硬件抗蓝,大型显示器在检测上也比小尺寸产品更花时间。「BenQ 取得德国莱因Eyesafe验证,体现了对儿童眼睛健康和安全的重视。我们很高兴与BenQ持续合作,一起为显示器产品创造健康价值,为下一代保护好眼力! 」

德国莱因在显示器检测上已有超过30年的经验,是目前市面上显示器认证最多的权威机构,不但在全球拥有最多 TCO 认可的人体工学实验室,亦是美国 EPA 认可实验室。目前已为1000款以上显示产品(4″-120″ 荧幕尺寸)的各式显示器、智能手机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、投影机等进行低蓝光认证,把显示器从传统的安全等级进化到护眼等级。以消费者健康为中心,德国莱因针对显示器的闪烁、反光、眼部舒适度等问题已开发出客制化的安全检测方法,使用户观看更轻松,眼睛保护更全面。

TÜV Rheinland Awards the BenQ Pro Series RP7503 with Eyesafe Display Certification.

By AV Technology

BenQ becomes the first and only edtech provider to gain Eyesafe Certification for large-format interactive displays. The new BenQ Pro Series RP7503 ensures added protection against high-energy blue light while maintaining optimal colour performance.

Representatives from TÜV Rheinland, globally renowned third-party certification organisation and Eyesafe affiliate, formally awarded BenQ with the certificate. This verifies that the RP7503 has undergone thorough testing and satisfied the blue light emission and colour performance requirements set by Eyesafe and TÜV Rheinland for the global display industry.

“The Eyesafe Display Standard was developed with input from world-renowned eye care professionals in the fields of ophthalmology and optometry. Displays with the Eyesafe Certification, such as the BenQ Pro Board, are designed for organisations and schools looking to help protect their users against high-energy blue light,” says Jennifer Wang, Managing Director of TÜV Rheinland Taiwan.

High-energy blue light, commonly known as ‘blue light’, is continuing to pose a global health concern. While more research is still needed, hundreds of studies suggest there are potential health risks from blue light exposure, both immediate and longer-term. Children may be more vulnerable to the effects of blue light because their eyes don’t have the same blue light-filtering ability that adult eyes have. Reducing blue light emissions is essential when users — especially young students in classrooms — are exposed to screens for long periods of time.

Unlike other solutions that rely on software to reduce blue light by altering the screen’s colours, BenQ’s new Eyesafe Certified display has low blue light technology directly built into the screen. This offers always-on protection against blue light, while keeping the screen’s original colours intact.

“Our Eyesafe Certified display is the latest in a series of ClassroomCare technologies we’ve developed over the last decade. Because our BenQ Boards are being used a lot in schools, it is important for us to make sure that they are always as safe as possible to use and are able to help protect the health of students and teachers,” says Claire Huang, Director of BenQ’s Cloud Innovation Center and Display Solutions Department.

“Our vision, together with BenQ, is to make all the classrooms in the world Eyesafe,” remarked Justin Barrett, the CEO of Eyesafe. “Children are spending an increasing amount of time in front of digital devices. We believe the future is in screens with built-in blue light protection, and that’s why we’re so proud to be partnering with BenQ to improve the learning space and create low blue light solutions for education.”

BenQ: BenQ.com
TÜV Rheinland: tuv.com
Eyesore: eyesafe.com


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