Adrian Weinbrecht
Video,commercial and model photography / UK
Adrian Weinbrecht is an international award winning photographer. He has been creating visual content for clients everything from Cinema Ads to stills campaigns for various famous brands. And he is also an established instructor who has been invited to speak about lighting techniques all over the world from Beijing to London.
( Photo by Adrian Weinbrecht )
After briefly considering becoming a lawyer Adrian decided to follow his heart and pursue photography, since this decision he’s become an international award winning image maker. His endless curiosity and passion for lighting means his work has constantly evolved, these days most of his work is motion content but he often delivers for all platforms. Few people can move as fluidly between stills and motion.
He was a chosen feature photographer on the last series of Britain’s Next Top Model for which he created Cinemagraphs, a first for the show. He dislikes a lot of the ‘Intellectual Masturbation’ around photography and believes much of it has to do with seeing and feeling to create understanding. That being said his casual manner belies a deep technical knowledge, ‘learn the craft, and then break the rules’ he’s known for saying.
Half Australian and half German, this fortunate mix makes him uptight and laid-back. He’s been playing with light and image capture for over 20 years but confesses he looks much younger. A natural communicator Adrian has been invited to speak about lighting techniques all over the world from Beijing to London. Although he still makes his living from creating visual content for clients everything from Cinema Ads to stills campaigns. Some of the brands he’s worked with are even too big to mention.
Adrian is also a Brand Ambassador for Zeiss Lenses, A Master Coloratti for X-Rite and Brand Ambassador for BenQ monitors.
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