Jon Hernandez
Commercial photographer / Spain
Jon is a commercial photographer based in Barcelona, for the past ten years he has worked producing beautiful images for brands like Samsung, Powerade, Women’s Health, Land Rover, Chelsea FC, amongst others.
Beside his commercial work, Jon is known for being a photography educator with thousands of followers on social networks. Jon’s way of teaching photography has also been noticed by brands like Profoto, Hasselblad, Olympus, BenQ,and many others, who trust Jon to explain photographers around the world how to get great results on their public events.
His photography can be defined as a technical approach to creativity. His images are not only appealing, but also very elaborated with High-end photography techniques.
Jon is passionate of artificial light, and his understanding of it allows him to recreate anything that crosses his mind.
But beside his profession, photography is Jon’s passion. Every year Jon takes a few months out the busy studio in Barcelona to travel to the most remote areas in the world to create beautiful portraits of individuals from tribes and cultures that are about to disappear. This personal work is where Jon really becomes an artisan of the image, creating iconic images that in the years to come will talk about what the world used to be.
Find Jon Hernandez At:
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